Designing for safety and integrity in social technologies

Robbie's role working across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp to tackle objectionable content, misinformation, violence and criminal behaviour, privacy, and authenticity is no easy feat. However, his commitment to building products and experiences that support individuals during difficult times, proactively inform and educate them, and prevent harmful content from spreading is a testament to his dedication to creating a safer and more inclusive online community.

We are thrilled to offer you the chance to learn from Robbie's insights, wisdom, and expertise in this area. By joining us for this session, you'll have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing social media platforms today and how they are being addressed.

Robbie's expertise extends beyond his work at Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn from a true industry expert. Sign up now, and ask Robbie any questions you have.

Date and time

15 Mar 2023


Robbie Manson

Product Designer at Meta

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